United Nations Documents on MONUSCO
Resolutions of the Security Council
- The Security Council extends the mandate of MONUSCO, including, on an exceptional basis and without creating a precedent or any prejudice to the agreed principles of peacekeeping, its Intervention Brigade, within the authorized troop ceiling of 19,815 military personnel, 760 military observers and staff officers, 391 police personnel, 1,050 personnel of formed police units, until 31 March 2015 [S/RES/2147]
of 28 March 2014
- The Security Council renewed until 1 February 2015 the arms embargo and related sanctions imposed on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, also requesting the Secretary-General to extend the mandate of the Group of Experts monitoring the implementation of those measures [S/RES/2136]
of 30 January 2014
- Security Council renewed until 1 February 2014 the arms embargo and related sanctions on the DRC and requested the Secretary-General to extend the mandate of the Group of Experts monitoring those measures [S/RES/2078]
of 28 November 2012
- Security Council demanded immediate withdrawal of “M23” rebels from the key Congolese city of Goma and end to “any and all” outside support; condemned attacks on civilians, peacekeepers, humanitarian workers and said it would consider reinforcing mission, imposing additional targeted sanctions
[S/RES/2076 (2012)]of 20 November 2012
- Security Council extended the mandate of MONUSCO until 30 June 2013, reaffirming its priority of protection of civilians and urging Congolese authorities to reform their security sector and end armed insurgencies and abuse of human rights in the DRC [S/RES/2053]
of 27 June 2012
- Security Council renewed until 30 November 2012 the arms embargo and related sanctions against the DRC amid illicit weapons flows within, into country
of 29 November 2011
- The Security Council extended the mandate of MONUSCO until 30 June 2012, demanded all armed groups immediately cease all forms of violence and human rights abuses, and decided that MONUSCO would support upcoming elections scheduled for November 2011
of 28 June 2011